How to order

Placing an order from the Apollo Caster shopping cart site.

Peruse the categories and parts to find the casters and components that you need.  As a returning customer, you can also use the 'Quick re-order' sidebox to quickly find casters from past orders.  Go to your account to also see past orders and part numbers.

After finding the parts that you are interested in, just type in a quantity in the 'Add to Cart' box. Click on the button or just press your key on your keyboard.

This will take you to your shopping cart. Here you may change any quantities by just typing in a new quantity and hitting or clicking the 'refresh' button. When you are satisfied with the quantities, click on 'Go to checkout.'

For orders less than $25, a small fee is added to the order.


If you are getting any downloads, you will be able to download after you have completed the checkout process.  If your cart consists entirely of free downloads (i.e. your cart total is $0.00), you will still need to go through the checkout process.  No payment method will be entered.

Minimum order amounts do not apply for free downloads.

(image for) Holiday: 12 Christmas

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Have questions about our products? Wondering what caster would best suit your needs? Just saying hi? Drop us a line here!

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