Shoe-ly its not true!

Getting the right fit…

The material handling industry is historically pretty straight-laced, but occasionally an event occurs that really sets us back on our heels.   This week, here’s what happened at Apollo Caster:

A carton arrived which was to hold hundreds of wheels for our stock.  Instead  it held a small quantity of product and a man’s right shoe.  We needed those wheels for our customers, so this really started our week on the wrong foot.

We are staying on our toes looking for a one-shoed man hopping around on his left foot.  (Clearly, a significant feat.) We have asked for some information from the shipping service but they seem to be dragging their feet on the matter.  If we complain any louder, they will likely tell us to put a sock in it.

Naturally, if we could find the person responsible for this, he would get the boot,  Meanwhile, no one seems to want the shoe so we seem to have sole custody.

Seriously, this happened – we are not pulling your leg.

Having the wrong size casters or wheels for your application can be as frustrating as the wrong shoe size.   Using what you happen to have on hand, or one of the few that the local store offers may feel like having a pebble in your shoe:  it may work, but it won’t be as helpful as it could be.

Call Apollo Caster.  A human will answer and help you on the phone for as long as it takes.  You will end up with the best and most cost-effective solution for your application.

It will be good for your sole.

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