How to Choose the Right Casters

Every home or business needs the ability to move things easily from one area to another. While technology provides many ways to help us move things, the small, but mighty swivel caster delivers outstanding capabilities in almost every environment. This blog will review the different types of casters for most applications you may encounter. We’ll explore how selecting the right casters for the job can speed processes, keep goods safe, and make it easier for you to accomplish a variety of tasks.

Choosing the Right Casters

1. Assess your needs and requirements: This is the first thing you need to do when choosing casters. It might be helpful to write down exactly what you are trying to achieve, and the obstacles you may be facing that can keep you from reaching your goals. Maybe you need furniture casters, specifically furniture leg casters. Or you might have some highly specific retail, medical, commercial, or industrial requirements. In each of these scenarios, three points are important to factor into your decision:

  • Deciding if your application requires the use of indoor or outdoor casters.
  • Flooring considerations: Will your casters need to travel over concrete, carpet, or uneven surfaces? If you have that type of flooring, you can delve into our selection of casters for hardwood floors too.
  • Do temperature, exposure to solvents or chemicals, or moisture exposure enter into the equation?

Next, you will want to focus on some of the maneuverability aspects of your application. These can include your mobility requirements. You may need to get through tight areas or a specific warehouse walkway or outdoor path that has a bumpy or rutted surface. 

The weight of the items you’ll be moving is a top consideration. Each item alone may not be very heavy, but if you’re moving 1,000 small items on big pallets or trays, the combined weight will be more substantial. Therefore, you’ll want to choose from different types of casters that offer a good load-bearing capacity. 

Another key when moving items is control and braking capabilities. Nearly every application requires at least some of the casters to be swivel. The differentiator is whether to put all swivel casters or have two rigid casters. This is determined by weight. A lightweight application can use all swivels and still allow the user to control it. Once you pass a certain amount of weight, having two rigid casters ensures the user does not lose control. Ergonomic casters protect the user by easing the level of strain required to move the application thereby avoiding injury. They offer the ultimate in maneuverability and responsiveness. These casters are important to help minimize pulling and pushing. 

You’ll also want to investigate the various braking options available. Position lock brakes allow the user to effectively convert swivel casters into rigid casters which provides both the flexibility of movement with all swivels and the control needed for heavier loads needing non-swiveling casters.  Basic wheel brakes are available in several styles depending on the user’s preference.  Total locking brakes minimize all movement by locking both the wheels and the swivels.  On larger casters, the total lock brake pedals can be either trailing or leading as the caster travels.

2. Evaluating quality and durability

When choosing casters, durability and quality are a must to ensure performance. Apollo Caster sells top-of-the-line casters in every category, from commercial to office furniture to industrial casters. Get the functionality you need, the connector type you want, and the finish and color you desire. 

3. Considering budget constraints

Cost considerations always enter into any product selection. The key to caster choice is to get casters made from the best materials you can at a price point that works for your budget. Choosing casters is actually one of those times you will be well-rewarded by spending a bit more. Quality casters will last longer and ultimately reduce costs. They help protect your goods and equipment and keep people safer (less effort to move goods and less chance of caster performance failure).

Types of Casters for Different Applications

Here we provide highlights of some of the top Apollo Caster products in each of these categories:

Office and furniture casters

Caster; Spherical; Swivel; 2″ (Item #69100): Hooded Ball casters are popular for store fixtures, furniture, office equipment and medical equipment. They feature double-ball bearing raceways, octagon washers on the threaded stems for easy installation, and the 2″ model is heat treated. The 1-5/8″ ball is a soft, non-marking rubber, while the 2″ models have a tougher, higher weight capacity polyolefin wheel. Several finishes are available.

Shop all furniture casters

Industrial casters

Caster; Rigid; 4×1-1/2; Thermoplasticized Rubber (Gray) (Item #67012): Thermoplastic Rubber (TPR) wheels are precision molded and mechanically locked to a durable polyolefin core to provide an economical wheel for many applications. They provide a smooth, cushioned ride and can overcome small debris and obstacles on the floor. They offer floor protection and are non-marking and non-conductive. 

Shop all Industrial casters

Medical casters

Caster; Swivel; 3″ x 15/16″; Rubber; Soft (Item #69967): For casters indicating Soft rubber wheels, they are a good choice for those applications where the average load is light with occasional loads using the full capacity of the wheel. Soft Rubber wheels are made of quality materials with a resilient rubber tread bonded to the hard rubber core. These wheels are an economical choice for moving equipment.

Shop all medical casters

Heavy duty casters

Caster; Swivel; 6″ x 3″; PolyU on Cast (Item #63227): This Polyurethane on Steel wheel is considered extreme duty and offer a longer wearing, higher capacity material that will not damage or mark floors. Polyurethane wheels are durable and are built to withstand permanent flat spots in the tread. This combination of high-load urethane chemically fused to a steel core makes this wheel one of the most long-lasting, rugged wheels available. Excellent for applications where heavy loads and continuous usage cause regular poly wheels to degrade.

Shop all heavy-duty casters

Specialized casters (e.g., high-temperature)

Caster; Swivel; 6″ x 2″; Crown Ductile Steel; Plate (4-1/2″x6-1/4″; holes: 2-7/16″x4-15/16″ slots to 3-3/8″x5-1/4″; 1/2″ bolt); Roller Brng; 2000#; Kingpinless (Item #63974): Built for high capacity applications, the cast iron wheels can withstand extreme heat. These are available in a wide variety of sizes, weight capacities, and bearing types.

Shop all high-temperature casters

Selecting a Caster Wheel 

The size, tread, and material you choose should match the use you have in mind. As previously stated, you’ll want to keep your floor or outdoor area’s composition in mind, plus any environmental stresses your caster wheels may be exposed to. You’ll need to consider tread, size of the caster, and material carefully, so you will be able to safely and securely move your goods with the least amount of effort.

Check out types of caster wheels 

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Choosing Casters

It’s important to avoid these common mistakes when choosing casters, so you can prevent dangerous mishaps that can injure people and damage items you may be moving on carriers fitted with caster wheels. Keep these points in mind:

  • Neglecting load capacity requirements: Factor in the loads you’ll require the casters to handle so they can get the job done safely and effectively. You may especially wish to take this into consideration when selecting industrial casters.
  • Ignoring environmental factors: High heat, exposure to chemicals, and other environmental contributors can make unsuitable casters fail fast. Choose swivel casters that are made for the environment you’ll be using them in.
  • Opting for the cheapest option without considering long-term costs: Price is always a consideration, and there are two ways to think about that. One is that you can pay as little as possible and try to get a moderate quality caster. What comes with that decision is potential failure at a critical moment, which could cause injury to a person and risk the breakage of the goods or equipment being transported. The other choice is to go with a quality rolling caster that’s well-suited to the job you need it to do (high heat, uneven ground, supporting heavy weight). Then you have the best chance of the caster holding up under stress, reducing the potential for injuries, and providing better protection for the goods you are moving. Top quality casters can also save time by helping you get the job done with smoother operation.
  • Failing to properly install or maintain casters: Setting up and maintaining casters helps keep them operating as they should. It’s important to take care of this equipment so it can serve you as you require for a long time.

Apollo Caster Offers Top Quality Casters for Every Application

Choosing the right casters depends on the environment where they’ll be used, the goods you will be moving, the people moving them, and the budget constraints you may be facing. It all comes down to matching your casters to your application. Apollo Caster’s wide range of caster products allows you to choose the exact caster that will perform the way you need it to in your application. Whether choosing replacement casters for office chairs, carpet casters, casters for table legs, or for moving delicate medical equipment, high-quality casters will more than pay for themselves through optimal performance and longevity. Our caster selection is the best combination of quality and price for all your commercial, industrial, medical, home, garage, shop, office, and other applications.

We are always happy to help you select the right casters. Call us at 1.888.344.3036 or contact us online

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose a caster?

Choose a caster based on its weight capacity, your mobility needs, and the setting where it will be used. You may need small casters or heavy duty casters, depending on the job they will perform. Consider commercial or industrial requirements, and decide on the right furniture casters you need for chairs, tables, and more. 

Are all casters the same size?

Casters are available in many sizes to accommodate different load capacities and applications, from small rolling casters to heavy duty casters.

What’s the difference between hard and soft casters?

For cushioning and floor protection, soft casters, often featuring rubber, are a good choice. Metal or polyurethane are the materials found in many hard casters. These provide top rolling resistance and outstanding durability.

Do bigger casters roll better?

Overall, this is true. The bigger the caster wheel, the better it moves because it takes less effort to move it. It works well on rough and uneven surfaces and rolls more smoothly.

What is the most common caster wheel size?

This is the 4-inch diameter size. It offers top rolling capability, easy maneuverability, and excellent load bearing capacity.

Does caster stem length matter?

You’ll need to take stem length into account because it determines how much clearance you get between the floor and the equipment, which affects stability.

Which materials are best for caster wheels based on different flooring types?

If you’re using casters on carpets or outdoors, rubber casters work well. Polyurethane casters are suited to most indoor applications.

Ultimate Guide to Choosing & Maintaining Caster Brakes

Caster Brakes Explained

While caster brakes may appear to be of minor significance, they are essential in many applications, including industrial, medical, and domestic uses. Caster brakes are important in the overall function of the equipment they are part of, providing much-needed stability, control, and safety. Consider your needs and constraints when choosing swivel caster wheels with brakes for your application to maximize performance.

To assist with your selections, we’ll review types of caster wheel locks, common applications, and how to keep them maintained for long life and optimal function.

Understanding Caster Wheel Locks

At the most basic level, caster swivel brake locks are ingeniously designed mechanisms with a singular, critical role–they halt the rotation of a wheel. However, this simple explanation only scratches the surface of what these complex devices do. Because they are built into so many different kinds of equipment, these braking systems have a wide range of main jobs that can be very different from one another. 

Types of Caster Brakes

Various types of caster brakes can be used for distinctive purposes. These include:

Side Lock Brakes: These are designed to lock by applying a braking force to the side of the wheel. They are commonly used where the equipment needs to be stationary for a significant amount of time. Side lock brakes are known for their reliability and ease of use.

side lock brake caster

Face Contact Brakes: These brakes work by making contact with the face of the wheel, effectively halting its rotation. They are often used in heavy-duty applications due to their high stopping power. Face contact brakes are known for their durability and effectiveness in demanding environments.

face contact brake caster

Total Lock Brakes: Designed to lock both the wheel and the swivel, these caster brakes provide complete immobility. This makes them ideal for situations where absolute stability is required. Total lock brakes are recognized for their superior holding capacity.

total lock brake caster

Floor Lock Brakes: These brakes use a foot-operated pedal to engage a friction pad against the floor to prevent movement. They are often used on equipment that requires easy mobility but also secure stopping. Floor lock brakes are appreciated for their simplicity and versatility.

floor lock brake

Compression or Decompression Brakes: These brakes work by either compressing or decompressing a spring mechanism to lock or release the wheel. They are commonly used in applications where smooth operation is essential. 

compression brake caster

Thumb Screw Lock Brakes: These brakes employ a thumb screw mechanism to lock the wheel. They are often used in limited-load, light-duty applications where manual control is sufficient. They are favored for their ease of use and installation. 

thumb screw lock brake caster

Tread Lock Brakes: These brakes lock the wheel by making contact with the tread, providing a large surface area for braking. They are often used in heavy-duty applications due to their high stopping power and durability.

tread lock brake caster

Cam Brakes: Employing a cam mechanism to apply a braking force, these brakes allow for exact control. They are commonly used where precision is important, such as with medical equipment.

cam brake caster

Position Locks: Designed to lock the caster in a specific position, these caster brakes are ideal for use with specialized equipment where precise movement is required.

position lock brake caster

Swivel Locks: These locks prevent the caster from swiveling, providing directional control. They are commonly used where straight-line movement is required.

swivel lock caster

Choosing the Right Caster Brakes

Selecting the right industrial caster wheels with brakes involves a thorough understanding of the specific environment and conditions in which the brakes will be used, the particular requirements and constraints of the type of casters they will be attached to, and the financial budget that the selection must fall within. Balancing all these issues can guide users towards the most suitable, effective, and cost-efficient choices.

Industry Recommendations and Insights

The insights, advice, and recommendations of industry veterans can be invaluable during decision-making. Here’s what experts say about some of the caster brake locks we have talked about and the situations where they work best:

Side Lock Brakes:

Side lock brakes are ideal for light-duty applications like furniture or small equipment. They engage by tightening a lever or nut against the side of the caster, providing basic stopping power.

Applications: Office chairs, toolboxes, medical carts, light-duty platforms.

Floor Lock Brakes:

You will want to choose these caster lock brakes when you require more stopping power than side locks, and they are suitable for moderate-duty applications. They use a pedal or lever to engage a mechanism that presses directly onto the wheel tread, creating a firm lock.

Applications: Industrial carts, hospital beds, heavy tool chests, mobile workstations.

Total Lock Brakes:

For maximum stability and safety, total lock brakes are the way to go because they not only lock the wheel but also immobilize the swivel mechanism, preventing any movement.

Applications: Ladders, scaffolding, high-load platforms, equipment used on slopes or uneven terrain.

Best Practices for Maintenance

It is very important to follow the right maintenance procedures for your caster brakes. These practices include regular and thorough cleaning to prevent the buildup of debris that could hamper performance, timely lubrication to ensure smooth and efficient operation, and periodic inspections to detect and address potential issues at their earliest stages. Diligently following these best practices can greatly extend the life of your caster brakes and ensure that they perform optimally at all times. 

Final Thoughts and Future Perspectives

Different brakes for caster wheels are available, and each one has a specific job to do. You can get the most out of your caster wheel locks by learning about the differences between them, making an informed choice about which ones to buy, and following care guidelines.

The future may introduce caster brake types with different materials, increased durability, improved design, or even smart features that allow for remote or automated control. As such, the journey of understanding and choosing caster wheel brakes is an ongoing process.

Apollo Caster offers the caster brakes you need for any application. Please visit our main locking casters page to see our entire selection. If you need assistance, please contact us or call us at 1.888.344.3036. 

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Top Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying Phenolic Caster Wheels

When it comes to choosing a material for your caster wheels, the question that often comes up is whether to go with phenolic or polyurethane wheels. Phenolic is a very durable and sturdy material that has been used across many industries, including the medical field, and has been proven to be a reliable choice for numerous applications.

Phenolic caster wheels thrive under punishing loads, harsh impacts, chemical spills, slippery floors, and non-stop use. Their unmatched durability and customizability make them a top choice when failure is not an option. If your facility deals with challenging conditions, keep reading to learn why phenolic casters should be your number one consideration.

High Weight Capacities

The dense structure and hardness of phenolic resin enable casters made from this material to withstand high static and dynamic weights. Phenolic resin’s compressive strength allows it to resist deformation under heavy loads compared to casters made from softer materials. This makes phenolic resin an ideal choice for heavy-duty carts, workbenches, and storage racks that must bear substantial weight. The high load capacity of properly rated phenolic casters can prevent wheel failures that lead to accidents or downtime in industrial settings.

Economically Priced

Phenolic resin casters should be considered in situations where cost-effectiveness is a priority. This resin is an affordable material that provides good durability and is advantageous when used in material handling equipment, industrial carts and trucks, and warehouse shelving units. The cost savings from using affordable phenolic resin casters may allow you to purchase more units or higher-quality wheels for the same overall budget.

Ideal for Stationary Loads

A hallmark of quality phenolic wheel casters is their robust build that handles up to 3,000 lbs per caster when stationary. Many plastic and rubber wheels can permanently flatten, deform, or even crack under a fraction of that weight. Yet properly engineered phenolic possesses the hardness, density, and compressive strength needed for holding enormous tonnage day after day.

A great example of this capability is how phenolic casters are used in the auto industry. Auto manufacturers use heavy-duty phenolic casters on their engine assembly skids to support thousand-pound machinery and components. These skids endure tremendous stationary loads from fixtures clamping down on engines during production. Lesser casters flex and fail. However, thanks to their resilience, auto plants can often use the same phenolic wheel casters on their engine skids for years.

Medical equipment companies rely on phenolic caster wheels, too, to transport bulky MRI machines weighing 2,500 pounds each. MRI units undergoing final assembly and calibration testing remain stationary on the casters for 8+ hour stretches. Only hardened phenolic provides the solid foundation to withstand this long-term static load without damage.

Exceptional Hardness

With their exceptional hardness, around 65 on the Rockwell Scale, phenolic casters withstand lifetimes of jarring impacts, drops, and blows that cause catastrophic failure in normal wheels. Preventing breakage and downtime makes them the ideal choice for abusive environments.

For instance, commercial 3D printing companies use large oven-like machines mounted on phenolic casters to melt and extrude specialized printing filaments. Opening and closing the heavy doors on these units generates intense slamming. The scale of the machines also leads to accidental drops of hand tools and parts inside. Typically, the casters stand up to years of this constant physical abuse, allowing these companies to save money by not having to replace them as often.

Lightweight Construction

The lightness of phenolic wheels makes them easier to attach and transport compared to bulkier metal caster alternatives. It also reduces the starting inertia when initially moving carts or equipment. If your application involves frequent lifting, pivoting, or short-distance travel of wheeled objects, the minimal weight of properly designed casters can provide noticeable benefits through reduced strain and fatigue over a full shift.

Recommended for Use on Clean, Solid Concrete

Despite carrying massive stationary loads, properly equipped phenolic wheels retain their smooth-rolling mobility when loads need repositioning. Precision ball bearings, lightweight construction, and expert engineering enable easy transport of even the heaviest equipment.

These caster wheels work well on clean, solid concrete like a retail store or hospital floor. In these environments, phenolic casters are a great choice for rolling heavy equipment or for stationary use.

Retail companies often prefer phenolic wheels for their floor merchandising units since cheaper plastic wheels can freeze under typical product loads. Relocating heavy displays fully stocked with merchandise around the sales floor is easier with units fitted with phenolic caster wheels. Customers can then enjoy a frequently rearranged store with new product selections and layouts.
In hospitals, these casters excel at providing responsive steering and maneuverability for patient beds, crash carts, and diagnostic imaging equipment weighing hundreds of pounds each. Even under significant load, smooth mobility allows nurses and doctors to transport and reposition patients and equipment safely and quickly during emergencies.

Resistance to Oil, Grease, and Some Liquids

Phenolic casters’ non-porous resin construction stands up to caustic chemicals, steam, sanitation sprayers, and prolonged liquid exposure that quickly corrode metal wheels. Preventing rust buildup and contamination makes phenolic the product of choice across food processing, healthcare, and industrial washing applications. Plant managers credit this wheel’s durability with lowering maintenance costs and minimizing health code violations.

The impervious phenolic wheels maintain their integrity despite constant steam, chemicals, and bleach baths. Standard phenolic wheels may slide on certain floors. However, tread options like ribbed dual wheels provide positive traction to avoid mishaps. This grip assures safe handling and steering around grease, water, and slick surfaces.


To maximize the lifespan of phenolic resin casters, periodically clean them to remove dirt, debris, and grease. Check for cracks or wheel damage, and replace damaged casters promptly. Lubricate wheel bearings if needed and avoid excessive loads beyond their rated capacity to prevent premature failure. Proper maintenance keeps phenolic casters rolling smoothly.

Potential Issues to Consider

Even though these wheels might not work the best on delicate surfaces or when exposed to water, the majority of applications where phenolic caster wheels are used provide a multitude of benefits overall. If your operation relies on smooth-rolling wheels that can withstand the toughest real-world punishment while providing years of service, look no further than phenolic.

Phenolic Wheel Casters: An Optimal Choice for Wide-Ranging Applications

With diverse tread types, load capacities, wheel sizes, and accessories, phenolic casters deliver customized solutions for almost all applications. Select wheel hardness, tread textures, rotational resistance, and aesthetics for your specific needs.

Their optimal durability, strength, and customizability make these casters a top choice when failure is unacceptable. They thrive where other casters quickly falter, and their affordable price adds to their appeal. Compared to metal wheels, phenolic wheels can be significantly less expensive, making them a budget-friendly choice even for companies with tight budgets or high-volume wheel needs.

Find the Phenolic Casters and Wheels You Need at Apollo Caster

Apollo Caster is your go-to source for phenolic casters and wheels. We invite you to review our catalog for the products you need and read additional blog posts for inspiration and interesting stories from our customers. We have what you need to get your operation rolling.

Apollo Caster is here to help with your personal or business caster applications. We look forward to speaking with you when you call us at 888.344.3036, Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m.–5 p.m. Eastern Time.

Simple, Undying Truths

A recent article by Mihir A. Desai in the New York Times will likely resonate with most people of a certain age. I loved it. Likely, it was the comfortable and familiar tunes of old ideals that seem to be fading like a Polaroid photo. This article used the recent imaginative and creative enveloping-pushing of the past five to ten years to illustrate how “the more things change, the more they remain the same.”

Some comforting verses:

“Facebook and Google reconceived themselves as technological powerhouses, rebranding as Meta and Alphabet, respectively. [and] sought broad capabilities that they could flex at will in the metaverse or with their “moonshot projects” when, in fact, they are prosaic (if extremely effective) advertising businesses.”

“What comes next? Hopefully, a revitalization of that great American tradition of pragmatism will follow. Speculative assets without any economic function should be worth nothing. Existing institutions, flawed as they are, should be improved upon rather than being displaced. Risk and return are inevitably linked.”

“Corporations are valuable socially because they solve problems and generate wealth. But they should not be trusted as arbiters of progress and should be balanced by a state that mediates political questions. “

“Embracing novelty and ambition in the face of huge problems is to be lauded, but the unhinged variety of these admirable traits that we have seen so much of in recent years is counterproductive. The fundamentals of business have not changed merely because of new technologies or low interest rates. The way to prosper is still by solving problems in new ways that sustainably deliver value to employees, capital providers and customers.” (Emphasis added)

Caster Coincidence

With over 6400 items currently on the published website,  and tens of thousands more that Apollo Caster can offer, build and ship the same day, it is sometimes serendipitous how sales can surface.  (Nice alliteration, right?).    With such breadth of stock, naturally some less common configurations may not find a customer for weeks or months at a time.

Here’s what is odd:  A low-volume item goes, say, months without a sale.  Then, once a sale for that item is received, we will quickly receive another or multiple sales within an unexplainably short time period.

Is that the mystery of SEO or search history making its impact?  Or just plain  coincidence?

Unusual caster configurations often sell in spurts

It happens enough that this author’s right-brain thinking insists  that it is somehow related to search engine algorithms.


Regardless, the surge in traffic on these less popular items is interesting to see and every sale is appreciated.

Regardless of what caster you need, whether popular or not, Apollo Caster either has it ready to ship or can procure it for you and ship quickly.  Contact us for your specific needs.  Calling in will reach a human (M-F 8-5) and we will work with you as long as it takes.

Retractable Casters

Frequently, the customer service reps at Apollo Caster are asked about the ability to retract a caster. To allow the cash or rise up out of the way and allow the application to sit firmly on the floor.

We have products in stock and on our website with the mechanisms to be able to retract. And there’s also some do it yourself projects that you might be able to add for your application such as the one shown in the link below.

If you’re interested in these products or interested in the do it yourself project and have some questions, give us a call. We’re here to help.

The fun stuff! Arby’s fryers

Here at Apollo Caster, we work hard to respond to unique applications and hard to find solutions. A recent example was an unusual spec caster for a Henny Penny fryer used at Arby’s restaurants. Despite our initial doubts at having such an odd size/ configuration, we were able to find it and source it for under $10. An inexpensive repair to a high-dollar piece of quality equipment.

The customer was thrilled which is what makes it all worthwhile. A $40 sale? Not the largest of our day – but every bit as important to us and the customer.

We solve problems and save customers money. That’s how we roll.

Helping customers – what else is there?

Apollo Caster received an email today saying this:

I got my casters today. Wow they really made a difference. My wife’s look at me chair never worked so good. Thanks for the prompt service and quality product.
Marvin S.

These emails and comments are not uncommon here at Apollo yet each one is appreciated. We offer something that many places cannot: personal service, a human answering the phone, and as much time as necessary to address your need.

A few days ago, I followed up with a supplier who had promised some information and was late. Not only was the information still not available but he gave the strong impression that he was just too busy for me and could not get me off the phone fast enough.

That will never happen at Apollo. If we’re not helping, what’s the point?

Procrastination and customer service

Here at Apollo Caster and Apollo Land Co., we have several small construction / maintenance projects underway. Related to that, we have been working with a variety of companies and contractors for services such as roof repair, masonry tuckpointing and flooring. More times than not, the potential vendors have to be contacted multiple times to simply get their quote. These seems odd in two ways.

First, why is it that people feel they are doing their customer a favor to promise a delivery date and then miss it? Why not do everyone a favor by making a realistic promise of when the quote/ work can be completed and then meeting or exceeding it? To blow past it only undermines the customer’s faith about working with that vendor in the future. And it creates stress and non-value-added phone calls for the vendor. Further, if they put off doing the quote for two weeks, how many details have they forgotten about the original discussion?

Second, who is impressed by a supplier that cannot even build up the interest to try to earn some new business? At Apollo, we aim to respond to every quote request within a few hours. After all, if we give the impression that we’re too busy or uninterested to prepare the quote and earn the business, why would we expect the customer to be optimistic about our future service levels and why should they be excited about working with us?

Apollo Caster wants your business. We will say it and we will play it. Even when we’re busy; even when we’re short-handed, every veteran customer or new prospect has our attention and responsiveness.

It’s just not that hard.